Automation / Smart Factory 4.0

Factory automation and Industry 4.0/IIOT

Take advantage of our expertise in the field of manufacturing automation – from the fundamentals of technology to complete industrial automation.

Production processes are becoming more and more automated, which means that equipment, processes, manufacturing and production systems, and measuring and control equipment and systems must be planned, produced, and optimized. All of this requires sound, hands-on technical expertise.

Our modular learning systems are equipped with the most modern industrial components, enabling you to teach the core competencies for mechatronics and automation technology in a hands-on, project-oriented way necessary for the demanding manufacturing industry.

You Work With

  • The latest, innovative industrial technologies with original components
  • An integrated, modular learning concept
  • Flexible learning systems which can be expanded as required
  • Comprehensive teaching and training materials
  • Hands-on learning systems for Industry 4.0/Industrial Internet of Things
  • A sophisticated learning concept appropriate for all training areas



MPS 400 Series

Training solutions for mechatronics and factory automation Automation technology, digitalization – people face challenging, new work environments every day. We prepare you for these challenges

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Curriculum / Software